Experimenting with the software i am using for animation, though I still need to practice on understanding how it works and how to get all comfy with it. It's not Adobe Animate sadly, but neither is it a obscure dodgy and unreliable software.
Got two voice actors in, one has already provided voice lines, one hasn't. Their names will be kept a secret in respect of their privacy.
I still have some unreplied mails to do, I'll try to reply to them but I'll try to reply them as much as I can. If i sent out replies equivalent to a customer support bot, then it'd be worth nothing.
I still have no set deadline for this project because less deadlines = more likely to have a good animation. But if my imaginations are to come to a reality in a sooner passion, then i expect it to be released at least later on in the Q4 of 2021 or Q1 in 2022. But that's no guarantee, so don't sign ya notes to get your hype machines up.
Also am lacking a lot of activity to do on Newgrounds. Want me to write your story? Just hit me with a DM. No pressure.
Anyways, I'm done. Thanks for tuning in.