art coming tomorrow... perhaps. if i'm homework-free for tuesday, this might come out all finished and shit.
for the progress of my funny animation, i am close to finally finalizing episode 1's script. i went on a 3 weeks of a hiatus in january and it took until february 7th when i finally made some progress. last progress was made in february 8th so it has been a while. once i'm done with the script, animation should be done as soon as possible and the cast should get to work soon. i am taking my time to make it and i'm trying my best to keep patience. once the script is done, i might also look after for some who could help on the project in some method. no, i won't be "commissioning" anyone because i don't think i'm ready to get money involved into this project nor am i going to hold myself liable for any agreement shit that i have to go through.
anyways, have a nice day.
cant wait