Hi. April fools is over. And I procrastinated just to release a low-effort artwork for that day and writing some gag for it.
Now, onto my personal project of mine: Operation Overcast (OpOvc)
Originally this project was gonna begin with an animated pilot episode but the pilot episode may be put on hold as animation is demanding and casting also costs money. So, I'm going to be releasing a prologue comic of some sorts that will chronologically be before the potential pilot episode and if I want to, make more comics that will be set before the pilot.
So, I have my ambitions for the project but I am going to start small and hopefully grow enough to reach said ambitions.
I'm hoping that the prologue comic will release later this month or in early May. But please, don't take these as guarantees as things can change as always for any reason.
That's all, see you soon and hope you have a happy Sunday.